Sharing the Wisdom of our Elders

Understanding and Promoting Healthy Ageing with Older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
Read the artwork description

The Sharing the Wisdom of Our Elders project came in response to research highlighting the limited awareness of ageing and dementia across Aboriginal communities and requests from partnering communities (as part of the Koori Growing Old Well Study) for a strengths-focused and Aboriginal specific teaching resource to increase community knowledge of dementia prevention. This project acknowledges the central role that Elders have in the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal Communities, and the role that art has in representing their stories and traditions.

This project was funded by The Lowitja Institute (20182019), and focused on the theme of Strong Elders, responding to the question: what is good and healthy ageing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?” In the Koori Growing Old Well Study, participants were asked to described what they have learnt, throughout their lifetime and diverse experiences, is important for growing old well. This project represents the responses of Elders in artwork and stories. 

View the report


Sharing the Wisdom report

Sharing the Wisdom Powerpoint slides


As far as the Eye Can See — Alison Williams

Core Dreaming — Juanella McKenzie

Jaalumbo — Alison Williams

Pippi Coast — Alison Williams

Sharing the Wisdom — Glenny Naden

Three Turtles — Danielle Burford 

Waadjaa-da We are the Land — Alison Williams


Core Dreaming — Juanella McKenzie

Pippi Coast — Alison Williams

Three Turtles — Danielle Burford

Sharing the Wisdom of Our Elders (the painting above) was commissioned specifically for the Sharing the Wisdom Project by artist Glenny Naden, a Kabi Kabi, Wakka Wakka, Koa and Wiradjuri woman.

This painting represents the themes of Culture and Dreamtime, Spirituality, Sacred Grounds, Sharing the Wisdom of our Elders, and the effects of dementia on our ageing Indigenous population.”