Corporate Engagement
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Partnerships are at the heart of our work and impact.
We invite you to join us as we make and shape the future of health.
One in five Australians suffers with a condition NeuRA researches. Our mission is to discover solutions for neurodegeneration, mental health and healthy ageing through world-class medical research so that we can help create a future free of brain and neurodegenerative diseases. When corporations join us in this mission, exciting discoveries into some of the most pressing health concerns of our times, including dementia, chronic pain and mental illness, are made possible.
Why partner with NeuRA?
Engaging with NeuRA demonstrates to your customers and employees that your organisation is committed to Australias medical future.
NeuRA is committed to long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with corporations, looking to align your business goals and brand with our vision, and there are a number of ways that your business, big or small, can engage with us.
To find out more, get in touch with Karl Kinsella: or 0421 555 879.
Like all good partnerships, each party needs to understand the other. To that end, as part of exploring a Corporate Partnership with NeuRA, we would like to:
- Understand your marketing, business and community objectives
- Identify specific areas of research your business would like to align with
- Learn about your brand and values
- Uncover common ground – where programs could deliver tangible benefits to both organisations
- Discuss ways a strategic partnership could be promoted for mutual benefit
There are a number of ways corporations can partner with NeuRA in a tailored, mutually beneficial way, including:
- Funding a specific researcher
- Sponsorship of a NeuRA event or affiliated events
- Investment in a specific area of our research.
A Workplace Giving program with matching support from your organisation is one of the most effective ways to donate.
Workplace Giving is simple employees support NeuRA through their payroll, with many benefits to both the individual and their employer.
Benefits to employees
- Donations are tax deductible from their income, meaning that the tax benefit is immediate
- Provides confidence that each donation is maximised (as the amount given is pre-tax dollars)
- Access to a complete record of donations for the financial year
- Start, stop or change the amount of donations at any time
Benefits to employers
- Increase your company’s profile and reputation externally to the wider community
- Raise staff morale knowing that the company takes action on corporate social responsibility
- The workplace giving scheme is easy for payroll to administer, and can be used to monitor the level of charitable giving your company is achieving
- Provides an opportunity for the company to match employee giving, demonstrating to staff that their interests are supported by the organisation they work for
Your organisation can support NeuRA by engaging your employees to raise funds through hosting or participating in events around Australia.
Coming together to raise funds for vital medical research can be a great way to boost morale and encourage team bonding while making a tangible difference to the lives of others.
Your employees can host their own event or participate in a community-run challenge. Visit our Community Fundraising page to find out how to set up an online fundraising profile to get started.
Accounting Firm PKF Lawler Tamworth and Walcha, NSW ran the City2Surf in support of motor neurone disease (MND) research at NeuRA. Evan Brownsmith was their team leader.
We cannot directly improve the lives of MND sufferers, nor can we make it easier on their families. We cannot hope to cure this terrible disease ourselves, but we know that our contribution to NeuRA will help the very people who just might. Perhaps more importantly, through demonstrating a willingness to ‘give it a go’, we are setting a great example to the community of Tamworth. We want to show that it’s important to get out there and have a crack, not because we should, but because we still can.