Crusade for Connor fundraise

There are so many great reasons to fundraise for NeuRA, such as the chance to take on a new challenge or meet like-minded individuals, but arguably the most meaningful reason of all is the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of people living with brain and nervous system disorders.

Whether you're fundraising in memory of someone, running a marathon, or hosting a tea party, the funds you raise will go directly towards life-changing medical research.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the many individuals, community groups, organisations and companies, past and present, that support our vital research by choosing to raise funds for NeuRA.

How to fundraise

Step 1: Choose your activity

Decide how you’d like to fundraise. The best way is to create a an online fundraising page to share with friends and family.

If you are taking part in an existing challenge such as City2Surf or another organised challenge event use the Get Active option.

If you wish to honour someone special who has passed away, consider whether to donate via our in memory donation form or set up a bespoke fundraising page In Memory.

You can also host your own fundraiser such as a trivia night, morning tea, fete, sports day or movie premiere. Or raise funds In Celebration for your birthday, New Year's party or wedding! If you're organising your own event you are required to apply using the Fundraising Enquiry Form below and cannot proceed until we have issued you with an Authority to Fundraise. This is especially important if you intend to do any of the following:

  • conduct any fundraising activity that is not online
  • deduct any expenses
  • sell tickets or products as part of your fundraising
  • use the NeuRA logo

Fundraising enquiry form

First name and surname

A very rough estimate is fine. Your target can be changed at any time.

Please let us know the total value of expenses you wish to deduct from proceeds. Note that it's only possible to deduct expenses where donations are received in cash.

If you have any questions for us, please enter them here.

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Step 2: Share and promote

Send a message to your friends and family explaining why you are passionate about supporting NeuRA and that you would like their support. A personal fundraising page is ideal for this purpose. Include your fundraising target.

Step 3: Do it

Don't forget to continue to provide updates to friends, family and supporters as you train or after the event - and ask for another donation. People that raise the most funds ask up to 10 times!

Step 4: Deposit your donation

Please transfer funds raised to NeuRA within 14 days of completing your event or activity. Our preference is that you use your personal fundraising page or our online donation form but if you’d prefer another method, please get in touch with the NeuRA team on 1300 888 019, 02 9399 1122 or

Jake ran the Run Melbourne event as one of NeuRA’s youngest fundraisers. Here's how he felt about the experience:
Jake at Run Melbourne 2015 600x600

The experience of running my first Half Marathon was gruelling and emotional but coupled with the funds I raised for NeuRA, it was ultimately a rewarding one. I ran in the ‘Run Melbourne’ event and with my sister Tali, who completed the 10km run. We raised a total of $3,084, exceeding our already ambitious goal of $2,500. Our grandmother suffers from Parkinson’s Disease and the research conducted to prevent, treat and cure degenerative neurological diseases like Parkinson’s made NeuRA an obvious choice for the charity we volunteered to support. I felt really proud to be supporting NeuRA.