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Write your Will for free using Safewill, 17-31 March

If you're one of the 1-in-2 Australian adults who does not have a Will yet, you're invited to write your Will for free during NeuRA's Free Wills Fortnight from 17-31 March. Safewill is Australia's leading online Will-writing platform, trusted by over 80,000 Australians, with a legal team that checks every single Will written on their platform. If preparation of your Will requires additional legal advice Safewill provides this option.

Visit SafeWill here

Include NeuRA in your Will

Including a gift in your Will to NeuRA will accelerate NeuRA’s research to deliver world-first clinical trials, effective treatments, and early interventions. A gift of 1% of your estate will allow us to undertake research that we could not do otherwise. Together, we can shape the future of neurological wellness for generations to come.

Make a lasting impact

  • Translating research into real-world clinical trials, effective treatments, and early interventions.
  • Nurturing the careers of young scientists to solve some of the most challenging health issues of our time.
  • Acquiring and maintaining state-of-the-art equipment to accelerate research and deliver results sooner.
  • Giving future generations the gift of living lives free of debilitating neurological conditions.
  • Allowing us to undertake research that we simply could not do otherwise.

Leaving a gift in your Will is simple

You can include the gift when you write your Will or add a codicil to your existing Will.

Types of bequests:

  1. You can leave a percentage of your estate.
  2. The balance or residue of your estate.
  3. You may wish to leave certain assets such as property or shares.
  4. If you wish to support research in a particular area or give for a particular purpose like a commemorative scholarship or endowment, please get in touch with our Bequest Officer, Lauren Moore on (02) 9399 1093.

Suggested wording for your Will

Name of beneficiary: Neuroscience Research Australia

ABN: 94 050 110 346

"I give to the Neuroscience Research Australia (ABN 94 050 110 346):

  1. The residue of my estate; or
  2. [ ... ] percent of my whole estate; or
  3. [ ... ] percent of the residue of my estate; or
  4. The sum of $ ....

to be used for its general purposes including research into diseases and conditions of the brain and nervous system, which I direct to be paid free of all debts, expenses and duties of whatever kind.

The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or authorised officer for the time being of the Neuroscience Research Australia is an absolute discharge to my Executors."

Most people choose to direct their gift to neuroscience research so it can be used in the research area of greatest need and where it will have the most impact.

To direct your gift to a specific area of research you can include a sentence to that effect in the first paragraph. For example: “I express the wish that the gift be applied for research into [disease] and associated disorders.”

NeuRA’s commitment to your wishes

Leaving a gift in your Will is a big decision and we are honoured to share your legacy. We promise:

  • We will handle your final wishes with the utmost care
  • We understand that providing for your loved ones always comes first
  • We will always respect your privacy
  • You choose the types of communications you wish to receive from us
  • We will answer your questions with speed and transparency
  • We will provide you with the opportunity to hear from our scientists and learn about their work
  • You have the right to change your mind at any time

Write your Will for free through our Safewill Partnership

NeuRA’s partnership with Safewill provides free Will-writing opportunities and estate planning days throughout the year. All year round, we can offer NeuRA supporters the opportunity to write a Will for just $80 (normally $160). Safewill's team of estate solicitors check every single Will that is written on their platform. Writing a Will is the best way to ensure your loved ones are looked after.

Visit Safewill here

Get in touch

If you would like to have a confidential discussion about including a gift in your Will, please contact Lauren Moore on 02 9399 1093 or email bequest@neura.edu.au