Research Project

Hamidul Huque
Current Appointments
Research Fellow (Statistician)Key Research Areas
Md Hamidul Huque is a research fellow (statistician) at the School of Psychology, UNSW. Dr Huque obtained his PhD degree in statistics from the University of Technology, Sydney and held a postdoctoral position in biostatistics at the Murdoch Children’s research institute, Melbourne, Australia. He obtained his bachelor and master’s degree in statistics from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Before moving to Australia, he worked for the centre for child and adolescent health at the international diarrhoeal disease research Bangladesh (icddrb) as a research statistician. His interest lies in developing novel and efficient statistical methods to address practical issues in public health research. He is interested to work in a collaborative environment where he has an opportunity to not only pursue statistical research problems, but to see those applied in real world settings. His methodological research interest includes appropriate analysis of administrative data through proper handling for the imperfect measures (missing data, measurement errors etc.).
Cognitive stimulation and training for reducing the risk of cognitive decline and/or dementia - Updated WHO guidelines
Treatment of Depression for Reducing the Risk of Cognitive Decline and/or Dementia - Updated WHO guidelines
Treatment of hearing loss and cognitive decline and/or dementia - Updated WHO guidelines
Treatment of vision loss and cognitive decline and/or dementia - Updated WHO guidelines
2023 Oct
MyCOACH (COnnected Advice for Cognitive Health): a digitally delivered multidomain intervention for cognitive decline and risk of dementia in adults with mild cognitive impairment or subjective cognitive decline–study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
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2023 Oct
The use of driver screening tools to predict self-reported crashes and incidents in older drivers
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2023 Sep
Study protocol for development and validation of a single tool to assess risks of stroke, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction and dementia: DemNCD-Risk
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2023, 30 Aug
CogDrisk, ANU-ADRI, CAIDE, and LIBRA Risk Scores for Estimating Dementia Risk
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2023, 06 Jul
A Technology-Enriched Approach to Studying Microlongitudinal Aging Among Adults Aged 18 to 85 Years: Protocol for the Labs Without Walls Study
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2023, 15 Jun
Have We Been Underestimating Modifiable Dementia Risk? An Alternative Approach for Calculating the Combined Population Attributable Fraction for Modifiable Dementia Risk Factors
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