ReNeuWell® is your home for neuroscience-based information and personalised positive psychology activities to guide you towards greater resilience and mental wellbeing.

What is ReNeuWell®?
Associate Professor Justine Gatt and her team from Neuroscience Research Australia and UNSW have developed a new resilience and wellbeing app called ReNeuWell®which provides a personalised solution to build resilience and promote mental wellbeing for adults in the general population. Each activity offers both educational content and practical advice to increase your wellbeing.
This app is currently only available to Apple IOS users.
Download it hereHow does it work?
The ReNeuWell® app includes the COMPAS-W Wellbeing Scale, and provides a tailored four-week program of activities. Activities used in the ReNeuWell® app draw on evidence-based psychological concepts or approaches including mindfulness, meditation, coping with stress, self-compassion, acts of kindness, gratitude diaries, positive event scheduling, and goal-setting.
Who is it for?
ReNeuWell® is designed for the average healthy adult looking for ways to understand and boost their own wellbeing.
ReNeuWell® is suitable for anyone who:
- has an iPhone
- is aged 18 years or over
- can understand written English
- is not currently experiencing moderate to severe mental illness symptoms
ReNeuWell® is designed to boost wellbeing and resilience to stress. It is not designed to treat mental illness symptoms, so if you are currently experiencing these symptoms, we encourage you to consult a mental health specialist and seek treatment before using the ReNeuWell® app. For anyone who is currently experiencing severe distress and needs immediate support, please contact one of the mental health support services listed here.
What is the time commitment?
ReNeuWell® is designed to be used for around 10 minutes a day for at least four weeks. Every four weeks, the app will re-measure your wellbeing and offer you daily activities to build on your progress for as long as you wish. Evidence generally suggests that the benefits of using these kinds of techniques increase over time as it takes a while for new habits to be developed.
What is the science behind it?
The ReNeuWell® app is based on over eight years of neuroscience research and promotes resilience and mental wellbeing for the 80% of the population who may not necessarily meet criteria for mental illness diagnosis but may nonetheless be looking for self-help options to boost their own wellbeing. Furthermore, the ReNeuWell® team has received approval to conduct its own clinical trial of the app, and this study is currently open to volunteers (more information below).
Can I participate in the clinical trial?
The ReNeuWell® team is committed to gathering the best scientific evidence on the app and its effectiveness. We are currently running a clinical trial (approved by the University of New South Wales) to test two versions of the app and see which one is more effective for increasing your wellbeing. If you meet the eligibility criteria and wish to participate, you can download the app on the Apple Store and then choose to express your interest and enrol in the trial. You will then receive the app for free for 12 weeks. For more information, including the Participant Information Statement and Consent Form, click here.
How is my privacy protected?
The privacy of ReNeuWell® users and their data is our top priority. Any information you provide will remain confidential and securely stored.
For the full Terms and Conditions of using the app, click here.
For the full NeuRA Privacy Policy, click here.
What does the app cost?
The app will be available for purchase for a one-time payment fee. If you participate in the clinical trial, you will receive the app for free for 12 weeks, and after that, you can choose whether or not to purchase the app and continue using it.
Got an Android phone? Join our waiting list
Funding and partners
ReNeuWell® has been made possible with funding support from:
Mindgardens Neuroscience Network
ReNeuWell® was developed in collaboration with:
Miroma Project Factory
We would also like to acknowledge the involvement of:
University of New South WalesNeuroscience Research Australia
Further questions
If you have any further questions about ReNeuWell® or the research project, please email us at: reneuwell@neura.edu.au.
Let us know if you are experiencing any issues