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Yann Quide

Current Appointments

Research Fellow
Affiliated Scientist, NeuRA
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Dr Yann Quidé is a Research Fellow at the School of Psychology, the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and an Affiliated Scientist in the Centre for Pain IMPACT at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA).

Yann completed his doctoral studies at the University of Tours, France, where he specialised in the investigation of the early neurobiological alterations involved in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Yann leads the neurobiological research stream within the Stress-related psychopathology research program at NeuRA with Prof Melissa Green, and the Neuroimaging, Neurobiology and Mental Health Program within the UNSW NeuroRecovery Research Hub directed by Prof Sylvia Gustin. In addition, Yann founded and chairs the ENIGMA Chronic pain working group.

Yann has a strong interest in understanding the role of stress and trauma in the development of physical and mental health conditions.


2024, 03 Jul

Posttraumatic stress-related white matter microstructure alterations and chronic pain

View full preprint on https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.02.24309869

2024, 21 May

Genetic variants for head size share genes and pathways with cancer

View full journal-article on https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1171316618

2024, 09 May

Posttraumatic stress symptoms in chronic pain: impacts on brain morphology

View full preprint on https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.09.24307012

2024 Apr

Childhood trauma moderates schizotypy-related brain morphology: analyses of 1182 healthy individuals from the ENIGMA schizotypy working group

View full journal-article on https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291723003045

2024 Apr

Emotion regulation skills‐focused interventions for chronic pain: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

View full journal-article on https://doi.org/10.1002/ejp.2268

2024, 15 Jan

Beyond the Global Brain Differences: Intraindividual Variability Differences in 1q21.1 Distal and 15q11.2 BP1-BP2 Deletion Carriers

View full journal-article on https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1163804516

2024, 01 Jan

Connectome architecture shapes large-scale cortical alterations in schizophrenia: a worldwide ENIGMA study

View full journal-article on https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1168717758

2024, 01 Jan

Cortical similarities in psychiatric and mood disorders identified in federated VBM analysis via COINSTAC

View full journal-article on https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1171279097

2024, 01 Jan

Differences in the neural correlates of schizophrenia with positive and negative formal thought disorder in patients with schizophrenia in the ENIGMA dataset

View full journal-article on https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1171105010

2024, 01 Jan

Smaller total and subregional cerebellar volumes in posttraumatic stress disorder: a mega-analysis by the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD workgroup

View full journal-article on https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1167784957