Research Project

Emma Devenney
Current Appointments
NeurologistKey Research Areas
Dr Emma Devenney is a neurologist and a NHMRC early career fellow. She obtained her medical degree at Queen’s University, Belfast, United Kingdom. She completed her neurology training through the tertiary neurology unit at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast and also spent time as the Neuroimmunology fellow at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. She was awarded aUNSW international PhD scholarship in 2013 and completed her PhD in 2016. Since then she was awarded the Beryl Bayley MNDRA post-doctoral fellowship and most recently, an NHMRC investigator grant to advance research into identifying and understanding biomarkers for the detection and monitoring of neurodegenerative diseases.
Dr Devenney is currently the Principal Investigator on the DIAN study (Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network), an international study of familial Alzheimer’s disease funded by the US National Institute on Ageing.