Steven Marsh
Current Appointments
Consumer Chair - Consumer & Community Involvement Portfolio for the Centre for Pain IMPACTKey Research Areas
Steve is an experienced lay member of research ethics committees having been a lay person on the NSW Population and Health Services Research Ethics Committee between October 2015 and September 2018 and have been on the UTS Health and Medical Research Ethics Committee since September 2019.
Steve has had significant exposure to the NSW health system having had five major spinal surgeries and two surgeries of the foot, together with their associated rehabilitation and ongoing pain management programs. His first spinal surgery was in 1992 with the other six operations occurring between 2013 and 2023. These surgeries took place across four different hospitals within Sydney.
The hospital and rehabilitation setting has been a large and important part of Steve's life over the last ten years. It was a key motivating factor for joining the UNSW Health Systems Research Executive Committee in July 2023 as a Consumer Representative and as he is passionate about contributing to the UNSW Health Systems Research Theme’s objective of improving health care services.
In April 2024 Steve was appointed as Consumer Chair of the Consumer & Community Involvement Portfolio for the Centre for Pain IMPACT at Neuroscience Research Australia. His role is to oversee the development and implementation of the Consumer and Community Involvement strategy across all group research activities, including 8 randomised controlled trials.