Research Project

Daniel Boulton
Current Appointments
Postdoctoral FellowDaniel is an early career researcher with a strong background in exercise physiology. After receiving an Academic Excellence Scholarship (Western Sydney University/WSU), he was listed on the Dean’s Merit List (Top 2% across the School of Science and Health, WSU). Following this, he was awarded both the University Medal and Dean’s Medal for excellence in research and education for his achievements in his Honours and undergraduate degree (Sport and Exercise Science). During his honours and PhD (completed 2016), he developed original techniques and protocols to measure and analyse muscle sympathetic nerve activity to contracting skeletal muscle – a difficult and substantial achievement given the challenges associated with microneurography. Previously, Daniel has performed studies using MSNA-fMRI coupling to investigate cortical and subcortical responses to voluntary exercise, experimental pain, hypertension, mental stress and migraines.
Alongside Dr Alex Burton, Daniel is investigating autonomic function in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and has the distinction of being the first microneurographer to record muscle sympathetic nerve activity in CFS. Additionally, Alex and Daniel are investigating the effects of transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation in CFS symptomatology.
A comparison of muscle sympathetic nerve activity to non-contracting muscle during isometric exercise in the upper and lower limbs
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Central command increases muscle sympathetic nerve activity more to contracting than noncontracting muscle during rhythmic isotonic leg exercise
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The metaboreflex does not contribute to the increase in muscle sympathetic nerve activity to contracting muscle during static exercise in humans
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Time course of muscle sympathetic nerve activity to active muscle during mild isometric contractions in humans
Effect of contraction intensity on sympathetic nerve activity to active human skeletal muscle
Effect of contraction intensity on sympathetic nerve activity to active human skeletal muscle
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