Research Project

Alice Petty
Current Appointments
Post-doctoral fellowKey Research Areas
Dr Petty completed her PhD at the Queensland Brain Institute, under the supervision of Prof. Darryl Eyles. During this time, she developed a new animal model of relevance to schizophrenia; the EDiPS model. At the end of her PhD, she was awarded an Endeavour Global Leadership Award which allowed her to move to London at the start of 2020, to take up a post-doctoral position with Prof. Oliver Howes at Imperial College London. She returned due to covid, and worked with Prof. Bernard Balleine as a research assistant before starting a post-doctoral position with Prof. Cyndi Shannon-Weickert at the start of 2021. She is working on using the EDiPS model to explore the association between hyperdopaminergia and neuroinflammation in schizophrenia. As well as preclinical experiments, she is also involved in analysis of post-mortem tissue from patients with schizophrenia. She was awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, through which she will return to Prof. Howes’ group in London at the start of 2022 to continue work on understanding the neurobiology of schizophrenia.
2024, 03 Sep
Transcriptional evidence of reduced BDNF trophic signalling capacity in the post-mortem human midbrain of schizophrenia cases with high inflammation
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Correction: Sub-Chronic Ketamine Administration Increases Dopamine Synthesis Capacity in the Mouse Midbrain: a Preclinical In Vivo PET Study (Molecular Imaging and Biology, (2023), 25, 6, (1054-1062), 10.1007/s11307-023-01865-y)
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Sub-Chronic Ketamine Administration Increases Dopamine Synthesis Capacity in the Mouse Midbrain: a Preclinical In Vivo PET Study
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2022, 15 Jul
Increased levels of a pro-inflammatory IgG receptor in the midbrain of people with schizophrenia.
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2021 Dec
Animal Models of Relevance to the Schizophrenia Prodrome
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Positive symptom phenotypes appear progressively in “EDiPS”, a new animal model of the schizophrenia prodrome
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2019, 08 Nov
Enhanced dopamine in prodromal schizophrenia (EDiPS): a new animal model of relevance to schizophrenia
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Enhanced Dopamine in Prodromal Schizophrenia (EDiPS): a new animal model of relevance to schizophrenia
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Transient dysregulation of dopamine signaling in a developing Drosophila arousal circuit permanently impairs behavioral responsiveness in adults
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Vitamin D and the brain: Genomic and non-genomic actions
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