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Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) has been shown by researchers at NeuRA and Prince of Wales Hospital, to improve lung function by around 30% in people with a spinal cord injury. It may also reduce the risk of chest infections. People who have engaged in inspiratory muscle training programs have reported: IMT improved my strength and awareness of maintaining good breathing habits Gerry After 6 weeks of IMT I had a reduced need for assisted coughs form my carer Will I felt less breathless when sitting upright and could sit for longer Rex IMT makes muscles for breathing stronger and I breathe better Julie Training with the device meant I could talk for longer periods Greg Prince of Wales Hospital and NeuRA have collaborated to develop a COVID-safe protocol for IMT, which has been published by the Agency for Clinical Innovation. It is available here.
Prince of Wales Hospital has funded the development of two training videos to teach people with spinal cord injuries, their carers, therapists, and clinicians how to perform IMT safely and effectively in the community. ParaQuad NSW and Spinal Cord Injuries Australia are two other organisations improving the lives of those with a spinal cord injury by helping to distribute this information. Our aim is to help people take up IMT to reduce the risk of them getting serious lung problems like pneumonia and respiratory failure.
You can access the videos below.
Please note that the video of an Inspiratory Muscle Protocol should be used only with medical supervision by a qualified clinician. NeuRA thanks Christina Leonard, Elena Kats Chernin and Riley Lee for permitting us to use the wonderful composition Windsong for this purpose.
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