Run for Resilience Project

The Run for Resilience Project is a 12 week community initiative highlighting the importance of physical activity and community connection on mental health and wellbeing. 

The Study

You are invited to take part in a study that measures levels of mental health and wellbeing in individuals who participate in the ​“Run for Resilience” running programs provided by running coaches, Elise Falloon (Strength to Strength Mental & Physical Healthcare) and Michael Chapman (Chappo Health & Nutrition).

As part of these running programs, our team led by A/​Prof Justine Gatt at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) are conducting a project evaluating how mental health and wellbeing is impacted by these running programs. 

What is involved?

Participants will be allocated to one of two running programs:

  1. Social Running Group – receive a personalised 12-week run program, weekly group in-person check-ins and running sessions held in the Sydney Eastern suburbs, free entry into the 10km run event (17th September), access and presentation from a nutritionist and psychologist, and access to a WhatsApp chat for the group.
  2. Standard Running Group – receive a 12-week run program, and free entry into the 10km run event (17th September). This group is run remotely so is more suitable for people who cannot make the in-person meet-ups.

Every participant will be asked to complete the following research surveys if they agree to participate:

  • Online surveys on three separate occasions during the running program (pre-program, mid-program at week 6, and post-program at week 12).
  • On each occasion, the surveys will take approximately 10 – 15 minutes to complete.
  • The surveys will ask about your mental health and wellbeing, health and lifestyle factors, and your thoughts on the running program.

A full description of all research activities, including any risks, harms or discomforts that you may experience while participating in this research is included in the Participant Information Statement and Consent Form.


The research study is looking to recruit people who meet the following criteria:

  • Adults over the age of 18 years
  • New or beginner runners (experienced runners will be excluded)
  • Understand English as their primary language
  • The 12 week running program will begin on the 23rd June 2024
  • The 10km run event will be held on the 17th September 2024
To Participate

Please contact running coach, Elise Falloon, on 0435 800 852, or email hidden; JavaScript is required to discuss participation in the program and study. Please register interest by the 8th June 2024.

Support the fundraiser here View the flyer here