Carole Renouf
Current Appointments
Executive Director of Professional ServicesCarole has had a very productive career in the not for profit sector leading fundraising and communication teams and in short order, progressing to leading premium organisations as CEO. Her NFP career began with the Australian Consumers’ Association, where she honed her advocacy, journalism and media skills. She led WWF Australia’s fundraising and communications, before moving onto the Science Faculty at UNSW and then taking up the position of CEO of Garvan Research Foundation for five years. There she grew fundraising income from $2.5m per annum to $15m and also raised $40m for the Kinghorn Cancer Centre, working hand in glove with the Institute Chair Bill Ferris AC. Her next move was to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, where she led as CEO for four years, increasing income from $17m to $24m per annum and significantly differentiating NBCF amongst breast cancer charities. Subsequently, she managed the campaign to raise $25m for the redevelopment of St Vincent’s Private Hospital through the St Vincent’s Curran Foundation. This fundraising goal was achieved within one year. Carole then took a career break in Spain, and returned to work in London for Cancer Research UK leading their Principal Gifts team.