NeuRA Awards and Scholarships 2019

NeuRA would like to congratulate the following students and postdoctoral researchers recognised at the scholarships and awards event held in NeuRA’s John and Betty Lynch Seminar Room earlier this week.

Dr Matthew BrodieThe Michael & Elizabeth Gilbert Postgraduate Fellowship in Parkinson’s Disease ResearchDr Jasmine MenantThe Michael & Elizabeth Gilbert Postgraduate Fellowship in Parkinson’s Disease ResearchDr Daina SturnieksRising Star Researcher FellowshipDr Claire ShepherdThe Grant Broadcasting FellowshipDr Jan FullertonThe Janette Mary O’Neil Research FellowshipDr Hanna HensenThe Hicksons Lawyers Postgraduate ScholarshipOliver WatkeysThe Edward C Dunn Foundation Postgraduate ScholarshipAngeliki StivactasThe Cowled Scholarship for Brain ResearchLavanya AchantaGuy and Deanna Russo Scholarship for Dementia ResearchHayley NorthThe Chris Hunter Scholarship for Schizophrenia ResearchAnna WaterreusDaniel Beck Memorial Award for Schizophrenia ResearchPaulo PelicioniThe Helen & Emanuel Poteris Award for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or Parkinson’s ResearchDr Kim van SchootenThe Paxinos Prize for Best Paper Published by a NeuRA Postdoctoral Researcher in 2018Dr Jasmine MenantNeuRA Postdoctoral Publication PrizeTerry DonovanOutstanding Contribution to Research by a NeuRA Research AssistantBronwyn OversOutstanding Contribution to Research by a NeuRA Research AssistantCynthia LeeThe Don and Warwick McDonald Award for Schizophrenia ResearchLara GlassThe Don and Warwick McDonald Award for Schizophrenia Research

At the event, we also welcomed NeuRA’s most recent class of PhD students who have joined within the past year.

NeuRA is committed to supporting all students, so through our general donations to the NeuRA Foundation, we have been able to supply our newest PhD students with supplementary scholarships. The following students have recently joined NeuRA and will be receiving this supplement:

Abhijit Das

Arthur Montalto

Htein Linn Aung

Jun Cao

Kerith-Rae Dias

Rebecca Livings

Rodrigo Rizzo

Some of our new students have secured for themselves other highly prestigious awards which provide supplements and additional training, a few of those students being:

Brian Chow (UNSW Scientia Scholarship)

Isabella Epiu (UNSW Scientia Scholarship)

Javad Jamshidi (UNSW Scientia Scholarship)

Nicole Ee (Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship)

5 July 2019

Media contacts

Katana Smith

Senior Media and PR Advisor