Research symposium

You are invited to a special symposium to hear about the latest research in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease from two of the leading international experts in their field: 

The distinguished Professor Vincent C.T. Mok, Master of S.H. Ho College Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Mok is visiting and has kindly agreed to give a talk about: Is dementia preventable?’ 

Dr Emma Devenney is currently NeuRA’s Principal Investigator on the DIAN study (Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network), an international study of familial Alzheimer’s disease funded by the US National Institute on Ageing and will talk about: A new era for Alzheimer’s disease: advances in diagnosis and treatment.’

Event details

Date: 17th September 2024 

Time: 2.30 — 3.30 pm 

Location: John and Betty Lynch Seminar Room, Neuroscience Research Australia, 139 Barker Street, Randwick

Register here