Watch 'All in Your Mind' on ABC News 24

The Australian Story documentary featuring NeuRA’s Prof Cyndi Shannon Weickert will be broadcast on ABC News 24 this month.

All in Your Mind’ will be broadcast on digital free-to-air TV channel ABC News 24 on Saturday 18 February at 15:30 and 22:30 AEST.

The documentary follows Prof Shannon Weickert as she leads a top schizophrenia research program to find new treatments for this mental illness.

Prof Shannon Weickert talks about the motivation for her research: her twin brother Scott Shannon, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his teens.

After witnessing the devastating symptoms of delusions and hallucinations first-hand in the person she loved the most, Cyndi Shannon Weikert embarked on a life mission to find a cure.

Prof Shannon Weickert’s team has discovered that mutations in a particular estrogen gene are linked to schizophrenia. Her team is currently conducting a clinical trial on a drug to regulate brain estrogen.

The team is looking for volunteers. If you would like to find out about participating in this study, please contact:

Loretta Moore on 02 9399 1683 | email hidden; JavaScript is required
Dr Thomas Weickert on 02 9399 1130 | email hidden; JavaScript is required

You can also read more about the study here.

If you don’t have access to ABC News 24 on your television, you can also watch live online at: http://​www​.abc​.net​.au/​n​e​w​s​/​a​b​c​n​ews24

Read more about Prof Cyndi Shannon Weickert’s research

7 February 2012

Media contacts

Katana Smith

Senior Media and PR Advisor


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